2016年8月26日 星期五

Mockito amd Power Mock

Mockito allows you to stub method calls and verify interactions with objects.

When we write unit tests, we need to think of testing a certain component in isolation. We should not test anything beyond what that class’ responsibility is. Mockito helps us achieve this separation.





repositories { jcenter() }
dependencies { testCompile "org.mockito:mockito-core:1.+" }


3.mock and InjectMocks

mock :is the object that you want to mock,will mock all the method in the object
spy:create a onjetc,and mock only some method.
InjectMocks :the object that contain mock,no need to create a object

4.when----than run

public interface CalculatorService {
   public double add(double input1, double input2);
   public double subtract(double input1, double input2);
   public double multiply(double input1, double input2);
   public double divide(double input1, double input2);
public class MathApplication {
   private CalculatorService calcService;

  /* public void setCalculatorService(CalculatorService calcService){
       this.calcService = calcService;

   public double add(double input1, double input2){
       return calcService.add(input1, input2);
//        return input1 + input2;

   public double subtract(double input1, double input2){
       return calcService.subtract(input1, input2);

   public double multiply(double input1, double input2){
       return calcService.multiply(input1, input2);

   public double divide(double input1, double input2){
       return calcService.divide(input1, input2);
public class PortfolioTester {

   MathApplication matApplication;
   CalculatorService calculatorService;

   public void setup() {
//        matApplication = new MathApplication();

   public void testAdd() {


check 一個mock的action有無executr with specific 參數

6. verify,check the method execute run at pecific time
use with time ,never function

   public void testAdd() {
       //add the behavior of calc service to subtract two numbers

       //test the add functionality
       Assert.assertEquals(matApplication.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
       Assert.assertEquals(matApplication.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);
       Assert.assertEquals(matApplication.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);

       //test the subtract functionality
       Assert.assertEquals(matApplication.subtract(20.0, 10.0),10.0,0.0);
       //default call count is 1
       verify(calculatorService).subtract(20.0, 10.0);

       //check if add function is called three times
       verify(calculatorService, times(3)).add(10.0, 20.0);

       //verify that method was never called on a mock
       verify(calculatorService, never()).multiply(10.0,20.0);

7. atLeast (int min) − expects min calls.

atLeastOnce () − expects at least one call.

atMost (int max) − expects max calls.

same above

8.Exception Handling
make some Exception when some mehod run

       doThrow(new RuntimeException("Add operation not implemented"))

       //test the add functionality
       Assert.assertEquals(matApplication.add(10.0, 20.0),30.0,0);

9.createn mock
Mockito provides various methods to create mock objects.
calcService = mock(CalculatorService.class);

10.ensure the oder of the method

//add the behavior to add numbers
       when(calculatorService.add(20.0, 10.0)).thenReturn(30.0);

       //subtract the behavior to subtract numbers
       when(calculatorService.subtract(20.0, 10.0)).thenReturn(10.0);

       //test the add functionality
       Assert.assertEquals(calculatorService.add(20.0, 10.0), 30.0, 0);

       //test the subtract functionality
       Assert.assertEquals(matApplication.subtract(20.0, 10.0), 10.0, 0);

       //create an inOrder verifier for a single mock
       InOrder inOrder = inOrder(calculatorService);

       //following will make sure that add is first called then subtract is called.
       inOrder.verify(calculatorService).add(20.0, 10.0);
       inOrder.verify(calculatorService).subtract(20.0, 10.0);

11.spy_use the real object to mock

when to use spy?
當有一real object ,我們想mock 他其中一些方法,就用spy

private class Calculator implements CalculatorService{
       public double add(double input1, double input2) {
           return input1+input2;

       public double subtract(double input1, double input2) {
           throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!");

       public double multiply(double input1, double input2) {
           throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!");

       public double divide(double input1, double input2) {
           throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!");

   public void setup() {

       mathApplication=new MathApplication();
       calc=spy(new Calculator());



   public void testAdd() {




although the real method is 10+10 return 20,but we can mock it return 30

need to use doReturn because the subtract method not finish,use when will throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not implemented yet!");

12 reset the mock

public class PortfolioTester {

   CalculatorService cs;

   private MathApplication mathApplication;

   public void setup() {
       mathApplication = new MathApplication();


   public void testAdd() {

       when(mathApplication.add(10, 10)).thenReturn(20d);

       Assert.assertEquals(20d, mathApplication.add(10, 10), 0);
       Assert.assertEquals(20d, mathApplication.add(10, 10), 0);



after reset,the effect of  when(mathApplication.add(10, 10)).thenReturn(20d); disappear.

13Mockito - Behavior Driven Developmen


double result = calcService.add(20.0,10.0);


14 Advanced Topic - ArgumentCaptor

We have already set up the NotesPresenterTest with a mocked notes repository and view.

We have defined an ArgumentCaptor that captures parameters - we are using it to capture the callback for the NotesRepository when data is loaded by the presenter, so we can call it ourselves to simulate that the notes have been loaded already.


want to test this

   public void loadNotes(boolean forceUpdate) {
//        mNotesView.setProgressIndicator(true);
//        if (forceUpdate) {
//            mNotesRepository.refreshData();
//        }
//        // The network request might be handled in a different thread so make sure Espresso knows
//        // that the app is busy until the response is handled.
//        EspressoIdlingResource.increment(); // App is busy until further notice
//        mNotesRepository.getNotes(new NotesRepository.LoadNotesCallback() {
//            @Override
//            public void onNotesLoaded(List<Note> notes) {
//                EspressoIdlingResource.decrement(); // Set app as idle.
//                mNotesView.setProgressIndicator(false);
//                mNotesView.showNotes(notes);
//            }
//        });

   private ArgumentCaptor<LoadNotesCallback> mLoadNotesCallbackCaptor;

 // Callback is captured and invoked with stubbed notes
//        // Then progress indicator is hidden and notes are shown in UI

Power mock


public class Service {

   public static final String testStaticFinal() {
       return "static final";

   private String testPrivate() {
       return "private";

   public String testPrivateForPublic() {
       return testPrivate();

   private String testPrivateWithArg(String arg) {
       return arg + "x";

@PrepareForTest( { Service.class })
public class TestService {

   public void initMocks() {

   public void testTestStaticFinal() throws Exception {
       assertEquals("mock1", Service.testStaticFinal());

   public void testPrivate() throws Exception {
       Service t = mock(Service.class);
       PowerMockito.when(t, "testPrivate").thenReturn("xxx");
       assertEquals("xxx", t.testPrivateForPublic());

   public void testTestPrivateWithArg() throws Exception {
       Service t = spy(new Service());
       String arg = "dd";
       PowerMockito.when(t, "testPrivateWithArg", arg).thenReturn("lhc");
       assertEquals("lhc", t.getTestPrivateWithArg(arg));