2016年6月9日 星期四

Gradle for Android and Java

Gradle for Android and Java

Basic of gradle

android build like this.
Grandle can help us to build different version for the app,like debug vision,relax version,paid and free version.

Intro to Gradle Tasks


stop Daemon
gradle --stop
start the task
gradle (task name)

local installation of Gradle


Whenever we're working with an existing Gradle project, we'll be using the
wrapper, because that way we can ensure that everyone working on the project
is using the same version of Gradle.

If you want to create a new Gradle project, however, you'll need a local
installation of Gradle. First make sure you have an installation of by running

   $ java -version

The output should be something like:

   java version "1.8.0_51"
   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)

If not, skip below to find Java installation instructions.

There are a bunch of ways to install Gradle. If you're on Mac and use Homebrew
(and if you don't you really should), you can install Gradle with

   $ brew install gradle

Another option for Mac and Linux users is to head over to http://sdkman.io/
and install the Software Development Kit Manager, and use that to install
Gradle. If neither of those options appeals to you, we'll go through the manual
installation process for both Windows and Mac.

To install Gradle manually, we need to do three things. First we need to
download Gradle. Next we need to put it where we want it on our machine. And
finally we need to let the system know where to find it. We'll do the Mac
instructions first. Skip below for the Windows instructions

******************* Mac/Linux Instructions *************

First, head over to https://gradle.org/gradle-download/, and download the latest
version of Gradle. Note that we want the complete distribution. Next, we'll
unzip Gradle and move it to where we want it to live. Our recommendation is in
`/usr/local/gradle`. Then we need to add some lines to our .bash_profile file
(generally found in your home directory) to tell the system where to find our
new installation of Gradle. You can do all these steps manually, but the
easiest way is to paste the whole big block of instructions below into your
terminal. Note that you may need to change the version number on the first and
third lines. This command also adds an environment variable that turns on the
Gradle daemon by default. Note that you may need to run the following command
with `sudo` out in front.

unzip ~/Downloads/gradle-2.11-all.zip -d /usr/local/gradle/ &&\
echo '# Adding Gradle to system path
export GRADLE_HOME=/usr/local/gradle/gradle-2.11
export PATH
# Turning on the Gradle daemon by default
export GRADLE_OPTS="-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true" >> ~/.bash_profile &&\
source ~/.bash_profile

******************* Windows Instructions *******************

First, head over to https://gradle.org/gradle-download/, and download the latest
version of Gradle. Note that we want the complete distribution. Next, we'll
unzip Gradle and move it to where we want it to live. Our recommendation is in

To tell Windows where to find Gradle, we need to add an environment variable.
Navigate to the Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced >
Environment Variables... > System variables > New...

Set the variable name to: GRADLE_HOME Set the variable value to the location
you unzipped Gradle if you followed our suggestion it should be: C:\gradle-2.11

Then edit the PATH user variable by appending: ;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin\

Your path will then look something like:

   <a bunch of directories>;%GRADLE_HOME%\bin\

When you're done, run `gradle --version` to ensure the installation is

Finally, let's add a properties file to tell Gradle to use the daemon by
default. All we need to do is put a file named `gradle.properties` in
C:\Users\<your username>\.gradle, and add the line `org.gradle.daemon=true`.

******************* When you're done *******************

Once you've installed Gradle, you no longer need to use the wrapper script,
and you can simply use the `gradle` command. To see if Gradle was installed
successfully, try running

   $ gradle --version

To see the effect of the Gradle daemon, first run

   $ gradle --stop

to ensure the daemon is stopped, then run the `helloWorld` task using,need to go onto the folder that have build.gradle first ,the helloWorld content in this file.

   $ gradle helloWorld

and note how long it takes. Then run the `helloWorld` task again and see how
much faster the second run is.


task helloWorld << {
   println "Hello, World!"


************ Java Installation Instructions **********

These instructions will explain how to get the Java Development Kit set up on
your machine. There are three phases. First we need to download the JDK, then
we need to move the downloaded files to where we want them to live, and
finally we need to tell the system where to find your new installation.

Before following these instructions, check to make sure you haven't already
installed Java by running `java -version`. If the output is something like the

   java version "1.8.0_51"
   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16)
   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)

then you're already good to go!

*********** Mac Instructions *********

To download the JDK, visit


Click on the JDK Download button, click on the radio button to accept the
license agreement, and download the Mac OS X x64 package. At the time of this
writing the most recent package was: jdk-8u51-macosx-x64.dmg

To tell OS X where to find java, we need to set a couple environment
variables. The easiest way to do this is to run the following at the terminal:

echo "# Java environment variables
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export JDK_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
" >> ~/.bash_profile&&\
source ~/.bash_profile

Now you're done! You can now test your Java installation by running `java

Awesome work! You can now complete your Gradle installation!

*********** Windows Instructions *********

To download the JDK, visit:


Click on the JDK Download button, click on the radio button to accept the
license agreement, and download the Windows x64 package. At the time this was
written, the most recent package was: jdk-8u51-windows-x64.exe

Run the installer, installing to the default location. At the time of this
writing that was: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51\

To tell Windows where to find Java, we need to add an environment variable.
Navigate to the Control Panel > System > Advanced system settings > Advanced >
Environment Variables... > System variables > New...

The variable name should be : JAVA_HOME

The variable value should be your install location. At the time of this
writing it should be: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_51

You can now test your Java installation by running

   $ java -version

Awesome work! You can now complete your Gradle installation!

Gradle Build Scripts

the language call Groovy

Groovy Fundamentals

1.empty task

task groovy << {}

2.simple task

task groovy << {}

println "fuck you"

run: gradle groovy

3.valid Java is also valid Groovy, and we can interoperates with Java, as

well as access the standard library.

task groovy << {}

class JavaGreeter {
   public void sayHello() {
       System.out.println("Hello Java!");

JavaGreeter greeter = new JavaGreeter()

run: still is gradle groovy

4.dynamically typed, which means type checking happens at runtime(don't need to declare the types of variables)

def foo = 6.5

println "foo has value: $foo"

$ mean vairable


${5 + 6}

println "Let's do some math. 5 + 6 = ${5 + 6}"

6.get the type

de foo=6



`println` keyword is just a shortcut for `System.out.println`

def doubleIt(n) {
   n + n // Note we don't need a return statement

foo = 5
println "doubleIt($foo) = ${doubleIt(foo)}"


task groovy << {}

def doubleIt(n){

def foo=6

println "double(foo)=${doubleIt(foo)}"

8.function don’t  need to use parentheses with at least

one argument,just like println

def noArgs() {
   println "Called the no args function"

def oneArg(x) {
   println "Called the 1 arg function with $x"

def twoArgs(x, y) {
   println "Called the 2 arg function with $x and $y"
   x + y

oneArg 500 // Look, Ma! No parentheses!
twoArgs 200, 300
//noArgs // Doesn't work
//twoArgs oneArg 500, 200 // Also doesn't work as it's ambiguous
twoArgs oneArg(500), 200 // Fixed the ambiguity

twoArgs (“asdsa d”,”aaa  a”)  can


twoArgs “asdsa d”,”aaa  a”  can’t

Groovy Closures and Objects

Groovy has another way to declare functions called closures. Closures have
two interesting features. First, they are just values that can be assigned to
a variable, just like a number or a string. Second, they can capture variables
from the scope in which they're declared.

Explian for the First feacture

def myClosure = {
   println "Hello from a closure"
   println "The value of foo is

Explian for the Second feacture

def foo = "One million dollars"
def myClosure = {
   println "Hello from a closure"
   println "The value of foo is $foo"

like a vairable to assign

def bar = myClosure
def baz = bar

Closures have a different notation for arguments

def a={x,y->
def b=x+y
println "$b"}


functions that take functions as arguments

def applyTwice(func, arg){

func is a vairable hold a function.

def func ={x->x+x}


def myList = ["Gradle", "Groovy", "Android"]

use function with a list,.each

def printItem = {item -> println "List item: $item"}

declaring the closure in-line

myList.each{println "Compactly printing each list item: $it"}

the it is must

Create a new list of your candies in all caps:collect

The collect() method in Groovy can be used to iterate over collections and transform each element of the collection. The transformation is defined in as a closure and is passed to the collect() method.


task lists << {
def candyList = ["Tomatoes","Carrots","Spinach","Radishes","Beef"]

def cap=candyList.collect{it.toUpperCase()}

cap.each{ println "$it"}


Simplified syntax for declaring classes

automatically generates
getters and setters for class properties.

class GroovyGreeter {
   String greeting = "Default greeting"
   def printGreeting(){println "Greeting: $greeting"}

def myGroovyGreeter = new GroovyGreeter()

myGroovyGreeter.greeting = "My custom greeting"

Closures use with  a delegate object

The last Groovy feature we'll cover is that closures can have a delegate
object. Any variables or methods referenced in the closure that don't have a
local definition are then evaluated against the closure's delegate. Let's make
a closure that will access the property and method of our GroovyGreeter class.

class GroovyGreeter {
   String greeting = "Default greeting"
   def printGreeting(){println "Greeting: $greeting"}

def myGroovyGreeter = new GroovyGreeter()

def greetingClosure = {
   greeting = "Setting the greeting from a closure"


it is not work now, because we do not def the greeting and printGreeting.

so,we need

greetingClosure.delegate = myGroovyGreeter
greetingClosure() // This works as `greeting` is a property of the delegate

Task Configuration

just like a Closures use with  a delegate object

the entire build script delegates to a project object

the concept like:



the project object has a method called `task` for declaring
tasks. It accepts a name of a new task and a configuration closure, which
we'll talk about shortly.



Since the entire build script delegates to `project`, we can leave that




Because Groovy syntax is awesome, we can leave off the parentheses.


task "myTask3"

the above is just give the task a name


This next part is a little tricky. Gradle uses an advanced Groovy feature to
change how the syntax of task declaration is compiled. The upshot is that we
can knock off the quotes.

For more info, check out Mark's post on Stack Overflow here:



task myTask4

^^^^^ this is t the standard way to declare a task. Since the task is a Groovy
object we can set its properties and access its methods. Let's add a
description and a group to this task.

myTask4.description = "This is what's shown in the task list"
myTask4.group = "This is the heading for this task in the task list,"


The most important property of a task is the list of actions it will perform.
Instead of setting the `actions` property of our task, we can add a closure to
the end of the list using the `doLast` method.

{is a closure}


myTask4.doLast {println "Do this last"}


We can also add actions to the start of the list using `doFirst`.

myTask4.doFirst {println "Do this first"}


We can also add actions using the `leftShift` operator.


myTask4.leftShift {println "Do this even more last"}


We can also declare a task and give it an action in a single stroke. This is a
very common pattern.



myTask4 << {println "Do this last of all"}

the above is decare the task first,and then setting its properties afterwards,but we can give the task a configuration closure when it's declared.

configuration closure when it's declared

have different way

task myTask6 {
   description "Here's a task with a configuration block"
   group "Some group"
   doLast {
       println "Here's the action"

task myTask7 {
   description("Description") // Function call works
   //description "Description" // This is identical to the line above
   group = "Some group" // Assignment also works
   doLast { // We can also omit the parentheses, because Groovy syntax
       println "Here's the action"

task myTask8(description: "Another description") << {
   println "Doing something"

Task Dependencies and Ordering

We'll discuss three ways to configure the relationships between tasks:
`dependsOn`, `finalizedBy`, and `mustRunAfter`.


Task A `dependsOn` task B if task A can't do its work without task B having
done its work.

task putOnSocks {
   doLast {
       println "Putting on Socks."

task putOnShoes {
   dependsOn "putOnSocks"
   doLast {
       println "Putting on Shoes."

so, when run gradle putOnShoes ,the system will run putOnSocks  than putOnShoes .

One thing to note is that if you run `gradle tasks`, you won't see
`putOnSocks`. That's because Gradle assumes that `putOnSocks` exists only to
help `putOnShoes` do its job. You can still see the `putOnSocks` task by
running `gradle tasks -all`.


Task A is `finalizedBy` task B if every time task A runs, task B should be run

task eatBreakfast {
   finalizedBy "brushYourTeeth"
       println "Om nom nom breakfast!"

task brushYourTeeth {
   doLast {
       println "Brushie Brushie Brushie."

gradle eatBreakfast ,system will eatBreakfast ->brushYourTeeth


The use case for `mustRunAfter` is slightly less obvious. Say we have a long
running process that's unlikely to fail, like deploying some artifact to a
continuous integration server, and we also have a short running task that is
likely to fail, like running unit tests. Those two tasks don't have any
dependency relationship, but if we're running both, we would really like the
unit tests to run before the integration tests.,because run short than long.

example, let's consider showering and putting
on a fragrance(香水) like perfume or cologne. Putting on a fragrance doesn't require
showering, and showering doesn't require putting on a fragrance, but if we're
going to both take a shower and also put on a fragrance, we should take the
shower first.


task takeShower {
   doLast {
       println "Taking a shower."

task putOnFragrance {
   shouldRunAfter "takeShower"
       println "Smellin' fresh!"

when we run gradle takeShower  or gradle putOnFragrance,it is normal,only run itself.

Run two tsak at the same time,

gradle putOnFragrance takeShower  or gradle takeShower putOnFragrance

must run takeShower  first.

More complicated example

depon on multi task on different task
task getReady {
   // Remember that when assigning a collection to a property, we need the
   // equals sign
   dependsOn = ["takeShower", "eatBreakfast", "putOnShoes"]

we will find that the order is eatBreakfast>brushTeeth>putOnSocks>putOnShoes>takeShower

the 3 task is order in 字母次序

putOnShoes.mustRunAfter takeShower

than before shower,will not put on shoes.

dependOn set by the name

task getEquipped {
   dependsOn tasks.matching{ task -> task.name.startsWith("putOn")}
   doLast {
       println "All geared up!"

Typed Tasks

Gradle has different typed task to handle different thing.No need us to do all the thing.

below will talk about some typed tasksvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Interacting With The File System


The simplest example is simply to
copy the contents of one folder into another. We use the Copy task's "from"
method to add sources and the "into" method to specify the destination. This
copy task will copy the contents of the "images" directory into the "build"


task copyImages(type: Copy) {
   from 'images'
   into 'build'

2.Copy:specify files to include or exclude

task copyJpegs(type: Copy) {
   from 'images'
   include '*.jpg'
   into 'build'

3.Copy:single Copy task to copy from multiple sources

task copyImageFolders(type: Copy) {
   from('images') {
       include '*.jpg'
       into 'jpeg'

   from('images') {
       include '*.gif'
       into 'gif'

   into 'build'

the meaning of above code:

.jpg to jpeg,.gif to gif       folder jpeg and gif into build


task zipImages(type:Zip) {
baseName 'images'
destinationDir file('build')
from 'images'

"baseName" and "destinationDir"
properties to tell Gradle what to name the archive and where to create it

5.Zip to different folder

task zipImageFolders(type: Zip) {
   baseName = 'images'
   destinationDir = file('build')

   from('images') {
       include '*.jpg'
       into 'jpeg'

   from('images') {
       include '*.gif'
       into 'gif'


task deleteBuild(type: Delete) {
   delete 'build'



   In this series of exercies you'll be configuring tasks to copy and delete
   files as well as build archives. This example contains some sample files
   that you'll be using to complete the exercises below.


   1. Create a task named "copyWeb". This task should perform the following:
       a) Copy files from "src/web" to a folder "build/web".
       b) Copy all .txt files from "src/docs" to folder "build/web/help".

   2. Create a task named "bundleWeb". This task should perform the following:
       a) Create a zip file located in the "build" folder named "web.zip".
       b) Include all the files copied by the "copyWeb" task except the
       "images" directory.

   3. Create a task named "unpackBundle". This task should perform the following:
       a) Expand the zip file created by the "bundleWeb" task.
       b) Copy the contents to a folder "build/exploded".

   HINT: There isn't an UnZip task, so what task type do you need?

   4. Create a task named "deleteHelp". This task should perform the following:
       a) Delete the "help" folder created by the "copyWeb" task.



task copyWeb(type: Copy) {
   from 'src/web'
   from('src/docs') {
       include '*.txt'
       into 'help'
   into 'build/web'

task bundleWeb(type: Zip, dependsOn: copyWeb) {
   baseName = 'web'
   destinationDir = file('build')
   from 'build/web'
   exclude 'images/**'

task unpackBundle(type: Copy, dependsOn: bundleWeb) {
   from zipTree('build/web.zip')
   into 'build/exploded'

task deleteHelp(type: Delete, dependsOn: copyWeb) {
   delete 'build/web/help'

Incremental Builds

not every time build from zero to 100,can only build the change part,this is Incremental Builds

for example,change the layout file,no need to compile the code again

if the task run again and again and the input no changed,and the out put still here,the gradle will skip,and siad UP TO date

Parameterising Your Build

make other people more easy to change the build,although they are not the gradle Master.


There are two main ways to do
this: 1.a gradle.properties file, 2.command line arguments.

1.a gradle.properties file

Let's create a task that prints a greeting.


task printGreeting << {
   println greeting

/* If we just run that as is, we get the following error:

   * What went wrong:
   Execution failed for task ':printGreeting'.
   > Could not find property 'greeting' on task ':printGreeting'.

Oh right. We need to pass in the value of the greeting we want to use. Let's
first do this using a gradle.properties file. We'll create that file, and add
the line:

   greeting = "Hello from a properties file"

2.command line arguments.

   gradle -Pgreeting="Hello from the command line" pG

Note that the `greeting` property is now defined in two places, the
gradle.properties file, and from the command line. The command line value
overrides the value in the properties file.

-P is a flag

have the third way

and that's from inside the build
script. We can pass a closure to project.ext (for "extra properties") to
define properties with the same syntax as in the gradle.properties file. Note
that properties defined this way shadow all other definitions.


task printGreeting << {
   println greeting

ext {
   greeting = "Hello from inside the build script"



Creating Custom Task Types

class HelloTask extends DefaultTask {
   void doAction() {
       println 'Hello World'
//here is the thing that this task type you want to do

how to run?


task copyImages(type: Copy) {
   from 'images'
   into 'build'

task hello(type:HelloTask )

How to adding properties

class HelloTask extends DefaultTask {
String firstName
//def firstName is  ok too
   void doAction() {
       println 'Hello World,$firstName'
//here is the thing that this task type you want to do


Let's use our new configurable task to print a custom value out to the


task helloName(type: HelloNameTask) {
   firstName = 'Jeremy'

Troubleshooting and Logging


Gradle of Java

Gradle Plugins

can do

Java Build Tasks

gradle use with Java have serval task,make by plugin

Applying the Java Plugin

1.how to apply the plugin

than run:
gradle tasks

u will see many task that the plugin have.
There are four main tasks we'll use most often: assemble, check, build, and clean.

assemble creates the output we're interested in. This is usually a JAR, but
can also be more interesting artifacts. Check runs any tests we've set up.
Build depends on both assemble and check. Finally, clean deletes all the build


try run gradle assemble

Looking at the newly created /build directory, we see where our compiled
Person.class, and we can also find our JAR.


How did Gradle know where to find my source code?

because gradle assumes that your Java sources live in a folder named

How to run the java program we just build?

task execute(type: JavaExec) {
   main = "com.udacity.gradle.Person"
   // We'll talk about this shortly
   classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath

explain :
`main` property tells the JavaExec task the path of your main class

classpath? take later

3.Conventions and Configuration(about the default setting)

Gradle think the default is like this

source is in src/main/java

test is in src/test/java

4.Javaplugin reference

if have some thing need to solvew,saw them

5.Java Task Dependencies

see the above website get get

6.Configure the Java Plugin


1. Apply the Java plugin to your project.
2. Modify the 'jar' task to add a manifest attribute named
  'Implementation-Version' with a value of '1.0'.
3. Configure the main source set so that it includes the 'java' directory
  as an additional source directory.
4. Use the gradle command-line to build your JAR file.
5. Confirm that the build JAR contains classes from the 'java' source


apply plugin: "java"

sourceCompatibility = 1.5
version = '1.0'
jar {
   manifest {
       attributes 'Implementation-Title': 'Gradle Quickstart',
                  'Implementation-Version': version


sourceSets {
   main {
       java {
           srcDir 'java'

7.Repositories and Dependencies


what is Repositories and Dependencies?

Gradle needs to know about the things that your project needs to build or run, in order to find them. We call these incoming files the dependencies of the project

Most projects are not completely self-contained. They need files built by other projects in order to be compiled or tested and so on. Gradle allows you to tell it what the dependencies of your project are, so that it can take care of finding these dependencies,

dependencies might need to be downloaded from a remote Maven or Ivy repository, or located in a local directory, or may need to be built by another project in the same multi-project build. We call this process dependency resolution.

Sometime,the dependencies have their own dependencies ,For example, Hibernate core requires several other libraries to be present on the classpath with it runs.Gradle will handle these.

External dependencies

in build.gradle

dependencies {
   compile group: 'org.hibernate', name: 'hibernate-core', version: '3.6.7.Final'

An external dependency is identified using group, name and version attributes. Depending on which kind of repository you are using, group and version may be optional.

The shortcut form for declaring external dependencies looks like “group:name:version”.

shortcut form
dependencies {
   compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-core:3.6.7.Final'

if add the local file

dependencies {
   runtime files('libs/a.jar', 'libs/b.jar')
   runtime fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar')

the first one add two jar file

the second one add all he jar in the libs file

but,How does Gradle find the files for external dependencies?

Gradle looks for them in a repository. A repository is really just a collection of files, organized by group, name and version. Gradle understands several different repository formats, such as Maven and Ivy, and several different ways of accessing the repository, such as using the local file system or HTTP.

By default, Gradle does not define any repositories. You need to define at least one before you can use external dependencies. One option is use the Maven central repository:

repositories {

other example~

Or a remote Maven repository:

Example 7.5. Usage of a remote Maven repository

repositories {
   maven {
       url "http://repo.mycompany.com/maven2"
Or a remote Ivy repository:

Example 7.6. Usage of a remote Ivy directory

repositories {
   ivy {
       url "http://repo.mycompany.com/repo"
You can also have repositories on the local file system. This works for both Maven and Ivy repositories.

Example 7.7. Usage of a local Ivy directory

repositories {
   ivy {
       // URL can refer to a local directory
       url "../local-repo"

8.Dependency Reports

a two ways to visualize dependencies:
a traditional dependency
report showing the complete graph of dependencies, including transitive dependencies(the dependency use by dependencies)

dependency insight
report showing how a particular dependency is included in your project.

if we have code:

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {
   compile 'org.springframework:spring-core:4.1.1.RELEASE'

How to generate dependency report?

gradle dependencies

To see the
dependencies for a particular configuration we can use the '--configuration'
command-line option.

gradle dependencies --configuration runtime

how to create dependency insight report

To run the 'dependencyInsight' task we need to specify the
dependency we're interested in using the '--dependency' command-line option.

Let's run an insight report on the 'commons-logging' dependency.

   $ gradle dependencyInsight --dependency commons-logging

We mentioned that one of main usages of dependency reports is to help identify
dependency conflicts. Let's know introduce a conflict and see how this affects
the output of our reports. Let's add an explicit dependency to version 1.2 of
the 'commons-logging' library to our project.


dependencies {
   compile 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.2'


Let's start by running the dependencies task again.

   $ gradle dependencies

'commons-logging' is now listed twice in our dependency report. You can see
that our project depends on version 1.2, where as 'spring-core' depends on
version 1.1.3. This introduces a conflict, which Gradle will then attempt to
resolve. By default, Gradle resolves version conflicts to the newest version,
in this case 1.2. In our report this is indicated with the arrow, showing us
that version 1.2 is being chosen over 1.1.3.

We can get similar information from the dependency insight report.

   $ gradle dependencyInsight --dependency commons-logging

Again we can see that the commons-logging is shown twice, once as a direct dependency of compile, and once as a transitive dependency of spring core.


Logically related dependencies are grouped into configurations. So far we've
been adding dependencies to the 'compile' configuration, but the Java plugin
creates other configurations as well, such as runtime, testCompile and

show,we add our dependencies  to the different Configurations(a group of dependencies )

The dependencies required to compile the production source of the project.
The dependencies required by the production classes at runtime. By default, also includes the compile time dependencies.
The dependencies required to compile the test source of the project. By default, also includes the compiled production classes and the compile time dependencies.
The dependencies required to run the tests. By default, also includes the compile, runtime and test compile dependencies.


dependencies {
   compile 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3'
   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

above mean add dependency 'commons-logging:commons-logging:1.1.3' to compile Configurations
add dependency 'junit:junit:4.12' to testCompile Configurations

10.Create a Custom Configuration

we can define our own Configuration.


configurations {

dependencies {
   custom 'com.google.guava:guava:18.0'


We can run a dependency report to see that we have a new project configuration
named 'custom' with the 'guava' dependency.

   $ gradle dependencies

Configurations are really just fancy file collections and can be used anywhere
a file collection can be used, such as in Copy tasks. This is useful if we
want to download some dependencies from a remote repository and bundle them in
our project somehow.


task copyDependencies(type: Copy) {
   from configurations.custom
   into 'build/libs'

gradle dependencies

the custom one run.

the name:



In this series of exercises we will be working with configurations. We've
provided some source code that requires some additional dependencies in order
to properly compile.


1. Create a new configuration called 'deps'.
2. Make the 'compile' configuration extend from the 'deps' configuration.
3. Add a dependency to the latest version of Google's 'guava' library to
  the 'deps' configuration.
4. Build the project and ensure there are no errors.
5. Add a task called 'zipDeps' that creates a Zip file including all the
  files from the 'deps' configuration. Assign a baseName of 'dependencyArchive'
  and a  classifier of 'deps' to the archive.
6. Run the 'zipDeps' task and confirm it includes the 'guava' JAR.

Hint: Take a look at the Configuration DSL Reference page for how to make
one configuration extend from another.



apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

configurations {
configurations {
   compile {
       extendsFrom deps
dependencies {
   deps 'com.google.guava:guava:19.0'

task zipDeps(type:Zip) {
baseName 'dependencyArchive'
classifier 'deps'
from configurations.deps

11.Automated Testing

Test has two type:Unit test and Integration test

Unit test test the individiual function and method.
Integration test

which individual software modules are combined (library,environment)and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing

in build file

apply plugin: 'java'

repositories {

dependencies {
   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'

the code create for testing is put at


Running our tests is easy, just run the 'test' task.

   $ gradle test


we can see the report in


12.Finding Gradle Plugins

13.Advanced Gradle Wrapper

Most tools require installation on your computer before you can use them. If the installation is easy, you may think that’s fine. But it can be an unnecessary burden on the users of the build. Equally importantly, will the user install the right version of the tool for the build? What if they’re building an old version of the software?

Gradle Wrapper (henceforth referred to as the “Wrapper”) solves both these problems

if use gradle wrapper,other peole no need to install the Gradle before run the gradle,it will down the version of gradle we defined.

The Gradle wrapper is comprised of four files. A JAR, a properties file, and a
pair of scripts, a shell script for Unix and Mac, and a batch script for

How to create a gradle Wrapper?

gradle wrapper
than is ok

The wrapper scripts are placed in the root of your project directory and the other files
in the 'gradle/wrapper' directory.

than run the wrapper

gradle.bat tasks

u will see the tasks inside the

gradle.bat sayHello

configure what version of Gradle

wrapper {
   gradleVersion = '2.0'

If we haven't already downloaded this particular version of Gradle, the
wrapper will do so for us. Let's run the wrapper with the '--version' option
to confirm we are using the correct version.

   $ ./gradlew --version

As you can see, the wrapper is now using version 2.2 of Gradle. This
information is saved in the gradle-wrapper.properties file in the
'gradle/wrapper' directory. We can also set the wrapper version by modifying
this file. Let's set the version back to 2.3 by changing the value of of the
`distributionUrl` property.

Let's run the wrapper with the '--version' option and verify the

   $ ./gradlew --version

The version is now 2.3.

This is a really important feature, as it allows us to
centrally control what version of Gradle is used to build our project. In
practice, the Gradle wrapper files, to include the scripts, jar and properties
file, will be committed to source control. This serves two main functions.
First, it means that everything that is needed to get up and running with
development of our project is included in the source repository. Second, it
means that the Gradle version is also version controlled, which eliminates the
possibility that a developer encounters problems with the build due to using
the wrong version of Gradle.


Android Studio, Gradle, and Variants

1.The Application(Java) Plugin

run the java program with gradle

the java file is in

in build.gradle:

apply plugin: "java"

apply plugin: "application"

mainClassName = "com.udacity.gradle.JokeTeller"

than :
grandle run

21.The Android Plugin

In a Android project,we can see two build.gradle,on is in
project build.gradle
C:\Udacity\Project 3\Football_Scores-Starting_myversion\Football_Scores-master

another one is in
app build.gradle
C:\Udacity\Project 3\Football_Scores-Starting_myversion\Football_Scores-master\app

in project build.gradle

// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.

buildscript {
   repositories {
   dependencies {
       classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.5.0'

       // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
       // in the individual module build.gradle files

allprojects {
   repositories {

this is a multi project build,Android app project is a sub project

 classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:1.5.0' add the android plugin

allprojects {
   repositories {

responsible to add the jcenter repositories  to all the sub project

in app build.gradle

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {
   compileSdkVersion 21
   buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"

   defaultConfig {
       applicationId "barqsoft.footballscores"
       minSdkVersion 10
       targetSdkVersion 21
       versionCode 1
       versionName "1.0"
   buildTypes {
       release {
           minifyEnabled false
           proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'

dependencies {
   compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
   compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'
   compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:21.0.3'
   compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.3.1'

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'  it apply the android plugin fetch from Jcenter

The Gradle can build the build different version of the same app

How to Configuring Build Types

we set in the build.gradle

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {
   compileSdkVersion 22
   buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"

   defaultConfig {
       applicationId "com.example.udacity.myapplication"
       minSdkVersion 10
       targetSdkVersion 22
       versionCode 1
       versionName "1.0"
   buildTypes {
       release {
           minifyEnabled false
           proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'


If we look at the available tasks for our project, you'll see tasks
corresponding to each build type. We can generate the debug APK by running
'assembleDebug', and similarly we get the release APK by running

We can also add new build types of our own, and want to make a build for QA
testing that's like the release build, except it bundles in cheats for
infinite gold or to skip levels, or whatever. We can easily declare a
qaTesting build types in the `buildTypes { }` script block.


android {
   buildTypes {

dependencies {
   compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
   compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.0.0'

we can see that Build types are defined in the `buildTypes { }` script block. The block only have release,do not have deBug,but the debu build type still here.

we can define our own build type:

android {
   buildTypes {

How to choose the Build type?

To create a debug build type



buildTypes {
       release {
           minifyEnabled false
           proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
       debug {
           debuggable true

Different build type for different  resource(Resource Merging)

Product flavors are declared using a productFlavors DSL container:

android {

    productFlavors {
        flavor1 {

        flavor2 {

from the above picture,we can see that we have 4 type of build type,if we only want some resource and code that only appear on some type,we can put it in different src folder.

we can use this picture to see waht resource will use

if we buil a paid debug

start,from main>paid>debug>paidDebug

if the same resource have more than one configuration,gradle will use the most specificed one,that mean paid overwirte main,debug overwrite paid,and so on.

but java code can do that!!!we should not have the same class definication that have multiple variants.
String xml amd manifest can

Now,to try create different build type of  a app


before,we use buildTypes to make a dubug and release typeof app,How about we want a  free version and a Paid version?we need productFlavors.

In addition to build types, product flavors are another way for us to describe
variants of our application in our build. Flavors are similar to build types
except they are typically used to create different versions of our app that
users might install. A very common example is creating both a free and paid
version of your app.

However, he Android plugin does not create any product flavors for us default. If we
want to declare some flavors we do so just like we do with build types, except
that we place them in a `productFlavors { }` script block.

before ad the productFlavors

Now add the productFlavors:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {
   compileSdkVersion 22
   buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"

   defaultConfig {
       applicationId "com.example.udacity.declaringflavors"
       minSdkVersion 10
       targetSdkVersion 22
       versionCode 1
       versionName "1.0"

   buildTypes {
       release {
           minifyEnabled false
           proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'

   productFlavors {
       free {
           applicationId "com.example.udacity.declaringflavors.free"
       paid {
           applicationId "com.example.udacity.declaringflavors.paid"

than we can add the Strin.xml for the pad version
other version is use the same way!!!

How about the java code?

Different java code in different build type

the orginal code:

now the app is only can show a toast when click the button,we want to make a paid version ,when we click the button,start a now activity

productFlavors {
       free {
           applicationId "com.udacity.gradle.flavorspecificactivity.free"
       paid {
           applicationId "com.udacity.gradle.flavorspecificactivity.paid"

it is because we name the two Flavor is free and paid,so we copy the main file than cahnge the name to paid and free

now we can see the problem,, when we choose free, because gradle will load both main nd free java code,because the javacode can’t overwritten ,the both have the Mainactivity class,so has error.But ,which on should i delete? The one in main or in free? If the code is  the same in free and paid,than del the code in free,opposite,del the code in free.
Than dell the layout

finally,process the value xml.,shredel the value in free and paid,if not share,del the main

some time, after you del the xml file,you will get error,re open the Android Studio is ok.

Per-Variant Dependency Configurations

the free and paid has its own compile,show we can set the dependency

in free version,we use the google ads,so we nedd google play service,but in paid version,we don’t need.so have below.

dependencies {
   compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
   compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.1.1'
   freeCompile 'com.google.android.gms:play-services:7.0.0'

Advanced android build

Library Overview

library hold some function that can be use by multi app.
library had two type
1.Java library,jar,
2.Android library ,aar

The main different is
aar,can have its own resource,manifests,layout,fragment,own R.file……

but jar can use on non Android project

Multi-Project Builds

we aleays have more than one sub project ,so we can put the same function and code into the library that use by more than one sub project

Creating a Java Library


step1 add a modul
this time,we add  a modul

step2,select A java library
The modul and class also call JavaJokes2

step3.change the build.gradle of JavaJokes 2

apply plugin:"java"

repositories {

dependencies {
   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'

it is because we need to use junit at TestCompile,so have

dependencies {
   testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'

and the dependencies  find in repositories ,so have

repositories {

and the gradle is for java,so have

apply plugin:"java"


There is one additional wrinkle, however. Android doesn't yet run Java 8, so any
Java libraries we want to use on Android will need to be compiled with Java 7.
The Java plugin makes this very easy to configure. We just need the following


sourceCompatibility = 1.7

step4,let the project know javajokes2
the app javajokes2 is the sub project of the Project,but the project don’t know the javajokes2,
we need to modified the settings.gradle

include ':app', ':javajokes2'

now,the project know javajokes2'.

Step5.make when app module compile,compile the javajokes2' module too.

in build.gradle:

dependencies {
   compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
   compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.1.1'
   compile project(':javajokes2')

Step6 use it in the app modul java code

import com.bb.example.JavaJokes2;

Creating an Android Library

just same with the Creating a Java Library,but choose Android  library

the layout should not have the same name,ifyes,may be will load other layout.
That mean,in the library,use R.layout.activity_main2,in the app use R.layout.activity_main

in the build .gradle file of tow Android module.

compileSdkVersion 23
   buildToolsVersion "23.0.2"

should be the same

Application Signing

all android need to sign,and than put onto the google play store.
we need to have a key first.

Build,>generate>Signed APK
create a new key store

than the keystore is created

Automated sign

than select new signing

create a congif,and celect the keystore we cretae bedore

than click build type

create release
set the sign config to be the config1

finally ,we can see the the app build.gradle change

config1 {
           keyAlias 'roy989898'
           keyPassword 'royyahoo6a20'
           storeFile file('C:/Udacity/Gradle/Ex4.04/keystore.jks')
           storePassword 'royyahoo6a20'

it use C:/Udacity/Gradle/Ex4.04/keystore.jks,not portable,we can use:


than choose release

than we can build the app


can remove unuse code and resource ,to make the app size more drease.
to enable it,we need

shrinkResources true

in the build.gradle>release

release {
           minifyEnabled false
shrinkResources true
           proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'

Android Testing


two type:

unit test run on computer JVM,connectest run on a android or android emulator

non android class should use unit test to test,android related class should use connected test

the code use to test put at:

it is because have different build type or productFlavors,(free paid),we can create different test for different build type

to start the test